Sunday, October 19, 2008

Must See Spooky Cinema


Halloween is my favorite holiday, and scary movies are one of my favorite parts of the season. I am watching The Ring. Of course edited for TV movies are terrible. It's hard to keep up any kind of suspense when you are being constantly interrupted by ads for birth control and cheeseburgers.

Now let me clarify. When I say "scary movies" I don't mean just gore fest style movies like the ones that Hollywood can't get enough of lately. I mean real suspense, really terrifying situations and characters, an actual plot, and maybe a little blood.

What follows is a list of movies I highly recommend watching for a scary horror filled holiday treat(always watch the original first).

Very scary movies...

  • The Exorcist
  • The Shining
  • Carrie
  • American Werewolf in London
  • Dawn of the Dead

Some Halloween movies have a bit different feel. They are equally wonderful, but can make you laugh while people lose arms and legs...

  • Young Frankenstein
  • Evil Dead
  • Beetlejuice
  • Once Bitten
  • Shaun of the Dead

Of course no Halloween movie list would be complete without a list of serial killer movies. In that genre I recommend...

  • Psycho
  • Halloween
  • Nightmare on Elm Street
  • House of 1000 Corpses/ The Devil's Rejects
  • Helter Skelter

Here are some really old black and white movies that you must see (be sure you are getting the originals!)

  • Freaks
  • 13 Ghosts
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • The Birds
  • Bride of Frankenstein

I could name a million more, but start with these! Be sure to get cracked out on Halloween candy before you watch so you are extra jumpy and enjoy!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Just a quick announcement:
I have a new favorite superhero, and a hero is exactly what he is.

"You want to cheer a hero?! This is a hero!"---Superman
Who is this handsome specimen of the canine species?
Krypto...Dog of Steel.
Here are some reason Krypto is awesome...

  • He was a gift from Superman's dad to his son
  • He has Superman's powers
  • He has a red cape
  • He has his own dialogue bubbles
  • He can easily recognize bad guys
  • He plays fetch in space
Check out Superman #680 for a great Krypto story this week!

(And a quick disclaimer. I do not in any way support the cheesy horrible TV cartoon version of Krypto. It sucks. Bad art. Sucky stories. It basically ruins the nobility of the true spirit Krypto.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Riddled With Insecurities

Every person on the planet, no matter what they say or how they act, has some area of insecurity. Some are rational, some are irrational, but for the most part nothing anyone can say will change these insecurities. I have two friends, one male one female, who I think are two of the most physically beautiful people I have ever known. However, neither one of them thinks they are attractive and constantly worry that they are unattractive to the opposite sex. What can be done to resolve these insecurities? Myself, I am riddled with insecurities. My hair, my weight, my feet, my weight, my skin, my weight, my intelligence, my weight..did I mention my weight?

Since the age of about 23 I have been battling my weight. I had always been a tall skinny girl. I was 5'9'' in 6th grade. I was 115 pounds when I was 21 and wearing a size six. By the time I graduated from college at age 29 I was over 200 pounds, wearing a 22. About 2 years ago I decided to do something serious about my weight. I was motivated! I had willpower! I lost a total of 46 pounds in less than 9 months. I looked great and more importantly, felt great. My sex drive came back, I could wear cute clothes again, I felt beautiful and confident.

Now, having put back on 30 pounds of what I lost initially, I am back to having every shitty insecurity return. I cannot wear my clothes. I cannot stop craving sweets or get off the couch most nights. I also cannot stop being upset about how I feel and look. I have even had dreams about running, feeling my body, my legs moving, feet pounding. Yet I continue on my sluggish destructive path. So here is my to do list...and my not to do list. I hope it will serve as an inspiration to me somehow. I feel stupid and weak even writing this down. Just do it...right?! Goddamnit!!! Why can't I just take care of myself??? Okay, I'm done whining. Done ranting about something I can change but won't, or don't.

Things that make me gain weight:
  • Sneaking sweets all day long (at least a candy bar a day)
  • Sitting on the couch
  • Taking anti-depressants and birth control pills
  • More pasta and bread and less meat

Things that make me lose weight:
  • Not eating ANY sweets
  • Working out at Curves at least 4 days a week
  • Yogurt for breakfast and salad for lunch
  • Running

Monday, October 6, 2008


The show agreed to make documentaries about addiction. It is about to face an intervention.

I have gotten hooked in recent months on an A & E show called Intervention. They film the addict living their daily life, then gather them up and toss them in a room with everyone they know plus a bonus intervention specialist type person. The goal being of course to convince to the person to leave then and there for rehab. Reality drama at its best.

But tonight, as working on grading papers, I watched 3 episodes in a row. All three were about alcoholics. Now, I understand that alcohol abuse is a prevalent issue and not to be taken lightly, (even runs in my family) but come on people. I need more than alcohol abuse in prime time.

"Dan drinks a case of beer a day. " That was one of the shocking factoids that popped up during an episode. I know a guy who does that...where's the tragedy there??

So in the spirit of my lovely are a few other addiction issues I would like to see on Intervention in the future. Interested producers feel free to contact me.

  • self mutilation
  • opium
  • cocaine
  • over eating
  • meth amphetamines
  • sexual addiction
  • huffing magic markers
  • collecting ceramic figurines
  • alcoholic animals

Eleven Events I Have Shared With Jason

1. Baseball season
2. His 31st birthday party
3. Presidents of the United States
4. Nick Lowe
5. She and Him
6. The Hold Steady
7. Ric Flair's last match
8. Jim proposing to Pam
9. Frank's adoption
10. Fourth of July fireworks
11. Becoming roommates

Happy's to twelve!