Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Change Is Gonna Come

Today's list is prompted by seeing something that really struck me as amazing. As local residents of Sylva and surrounding areas know, our town is building a new library. They are incorporating the old courthouse into a new complex that is truly going to be beautiful upon completion. The old historic courthouse is a landmark in our town. I once heard it said that it was the most photographed courthouse in NC and I believe it. As part of the building project the crown jewel of the building, the clock tower topped with Lady Justice, is to be removed and restored. After mentioning to my mom and dad that the clock tower steeple had been taken off the courthouse top, they wanted to drive by and see it. To those of us used to seeing it every day, it is quite a shock to see the courthouse without its crown. We drove up to where the construction is going on at the back of the building, and there in the dust of new construction sat the tower. Wow! It was as if I was walking up to Lady Liberty's torch lying on the Boardwalk. I ignored the signs, and walked up to take a closer look, and a few photos. I don't know why this made such an impression on me. Was it because I was so used to seeing this against blue sky and now it lay in the dirt? Was it because it was just so close? Was it because it is another event to remind me of the many changes my little town has been through and continues to go through? So as tonight's list I offer you change...ten of them in fact.

Ten Changes Sylva NC Has Gone Through In The Past Ten Years

  1. We no longer have Fourth of July fireworks at the courthouse. When I moved here, this was my favorite part about Sylva. How Main Street shut down, people lay in the street on blankets, and watched an impressive fireworks display on the steps of the courthouse which made the courthouse even more beautiful.
  2. With the exception of Lulu's, O'Malley's and Spring Street, every restaurant in town is something different then when I moved here.
  3. Only one video rental store in town instead of two.
  4. Lowe's and Sonic moved in and Goody's moved out.
  5. Bright blinky sign in front of Smoky Mountain High School.
  6. Extra stop light by the hospital.
  7. Vet and doctor have new buildings.
  8. No more teacher's night at City Lights.
  9. Two drive through beer stops instead of one.
  10. My first apartment burned down.

I know change is inevitable, but sometimes I wish it would slow down a bit. These little changes in my town reflect the millions of little changes that happen to me and all of us every minute, every day, every get the idea. So be amazed by the little things. Let the change awe you. Pay attention every day.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Labradors Only Please

As most of you know, I have a new yellow Labrador retriever puppy. I also have my dog Chili who is a black lab. I have realized in the past few days with my new puppy that I am officially breed loyal. I really like lots of breeds of dogs, but I don't ever want to own anything but a lab. I always saw those people who have the t-shirt, bumper stickers, figurines, purses, etc...and 3 or 4 of the particular breed in tow. I just thought they were nutty. I am now in danger of becoming that person. I have t-shirts, refrigerator magnets, Christmas ornaments, bumper stickers, and two of the breed in tow...and I am really OK with that. Anywho, while shopping for more Labrador stuff I came across a t-shirt with this list and thought it was one worthy of my blog o' lists. So here I present to you:

Labrador Retriever Property Laws:
  1. If I like it, it's mine.
  2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
  3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
  4. If I take it away from you, it's mine.
  5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours.
  6. If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
  7. If I saw it first, it's mine.
  8. If it's edible, it's mine.
  9. If you have something and put it down, it's mine.
  10. If I chew up something, all the pieces are mine.
  11. If I get tired of it, it's yours.
  12. If I want it back, it's mine.
Anyone who has known a lab knows how true this is, from puppy to senior. I am having to negotiate fair toy play so that these laws are still adhered to. As a matter of fact, I need to go. There is chewing happening, lots of chewing, on things that used to be mine.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Didn't Your Parents Sing That One to You?

Long story short, my parents, along with my grandmother, were in a very bad car wreck a few days ago. Whoa whoa slow down... before you panic or start offering condolences, let me tell you that everyone is fine. No one even went to the hospital, though Granny declined the ride in the fire truck so she could ride behind the cage in the police car. Lots of winter clothes, good seat belts, Granny's force field, etc. all played a roll in the three escaping literally without a scratch. My point I guess is that regardless of who or what any of us believe saved these people so very dear to me, I am thankful that they are now home and safe. So here I offer a list of a few reasons why I love my parents. Lame, but I have to express my thankfulness in some way, and since I am not a particularly religious person, I send these thanks out to the universe at large (aka the Internet).

  • As the title suggests, my parents made up songs. These are songs the whole family would sing and laugh and even make up hand motions for sometimes. These were songs I thought everyone knew, but I was mistaken. Many times in my life, as a child and as an adult, I have started singing one of these songs thinking that they were general knowledge, only to find that I was singing long, loud choruses by myself as others stared silently with wondering looks on their faces.
  • I have never doubted, even once, ever, that my parents loved me. Even during the years when my dad would have referee fights between my mother and me, I knew. Even when my father was mad and looked "frog eye" style at me while crushing my hand, I knew. Even when I hid in the barn because I was convinced I had killed my brother, I knew. Even when I showed up in the middle of the night and could not stop crying for hours, I knew they would not care I had waken them up. I know there are children who truly doubt or question how their parents feel about them, but I don't. Never.
  • They always allowed pets. Rabbit Redford to Goldie. Skooterpie to Pepper. They laughed and cried with my brother and me through every pet we had as kids...and there were lots.
  • My parents have an amazing marriage. A marriage that has survived ups and downs and is full of love and laughter and life. I have always held their relationship up as an example of what I hope mine would be. Now I am married to a man who is so much like my dad that it scares me sometimes. They say every girl wants to marry a man like her father (and I am a lot like my mom), but I think for me it is more an homage to both my parents, to their relationship and my faith in what marriage can be that I learned from watching them.
  • My parents took us places. As far back as I can remember I have been traveling with my family. Being a teacher now, and coming into contact with so many children I am learning more and more that the sheer amount of travel we did, and still do, is not the usual. From visiting family out of state, to traveling to state and local parks, to traveling across parents took Aaron and me places.
  • They decided to adopt. My brother rocks. Enough said.
There are truly a million reasons, but these are a few that I think make my parents stand out. Maybe someday I'll be a parent, and maybe I won't. I don't know what the future holds. But I do know that I see the influences of their parenting is so many things my brother and I do every day. So to the universe, to the powers that be, to whatever cosmic force (or farce) paired my little life with Dale and Sue Metz, I say thanks. LOVE LOVE LOVE