To keep with the spirit of my blog, and to go with the post below I now present to you a list of some of my favorite childhood toys.
1. record player: I played any records I could get a hold of. The first one I wore out was the BeeGee's version of Sgt. Pepper's when I was 7.
2. Lite Brite: Nothing like some black paper and a light bulb to keep me going for hours.
3. Barbie: Though I was horribly jealous of my best friend who had every Barbie everything that had ever been made. I was the most jealous that she had Barbie's little white kitten with the pink collar. It had Velcro paws and came with it's own little scratching post. She didn't even like cats! She and I spent hours with Barbie though!
4. Freddy: My stuffed penguin
5. dress-up clothes: I still really enjoy wearing costumes whenever possible
6. Operation: I love that noise! Eeennnnhh!
7. Speak and Spell: I just found out that TI still makes a version of this based on the original. Can I have one for Christmas?
8. bubbles
9. Ouija Board: A Satanic staple at any slumber party
10. trees
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