I can't sleep tonight. There are many reasons why I guess. But why is it that the more you know you need to sleep, the less you actually sleep. The I-should-haves, I-need tos, what-am-I-going-to-do-abouts, and I-need-to-tell-(insert name)s, are keeping me awake. Now add that to the fact that I am going to a concert I am amazingly excited about tonight and it is a delicious recipe for insomnia. Not even Jason's steady breath and warm body next to me are able to lull me into peace tonight. My eyes keep flicking to the bottom right of my screen to check the little clock and once again do the math in my head about how long it will be before my alarm goes off. I tried reading, but I am at the end of a mystery novel and the mystery is unraveling which of course only keeps me reading on and on. Maybe it is because I took my medicine late. Maybe crazy kitty hour. I woke briefly to the soft tapping of Jason on his ergonomically designed keyboard, and when he came to bed, I was ready to be awake and talk. He promptly passed out. Everyone in my house is now asleep. Cats, dog, man. Yet here I sit, at (eyes flick right) 3:16 type, type, typing away. I keep trying to think of a list to put here tonight, but am uninspired to that end. If I knew how to post songs here for you to listen to I would. The Waifs have a song that perfectly captures the feeling of insomnia for me. It's called "Up All Night." There is also the song "Why Does It Always Rain on Me?"I have no idea who sings it, but Candy put it on a cd for me years ago. It is also about a guy who is awake mulling over his life when he should be asleep. But for now at least you will have to be content with my (eyes flick to the right, 3:22, 2 hours and 23 minutes until my alarm, but my alarm is 5 minutes fast so it's actually 2 hours and 18, 17 minutes until that horrible brain-shattering tone which wakes me) late night ramblings. Ok, I thought of a list. Maybe by thinking of things that put me to sleep I will be calmed and head to bed. So here it is.
Things are (usually) guaranteed to put me to sleep
- alcohol
- movies started after 9pm (not in the theater)
- blanket and couch combo
- orgasms
- reading anything
- snuggling with any of the creatures I live with
- mid-morning pancake breakfast
- warm sunshine
- car rides
Sweet dreams to all.
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